Farewell to Andrew Norman

Andrew’s Farewells to Grange and The Team

We bade farewell to our Assistant Curate, Andrew, at the end of last month. His final Sunday service was 16th June when just under 90 people gathered in St. Paul’s. The majority of these went later to the Netherwood Hotel for lunch which was a moving and wonderful send-off for him. His parents and immediate family were present at both events to share the farewells with his friends. The latter occasion included a farewell presentation to Julia Gilchrist, our Lay Reader. Coincidentally it was her last Sunday service and Deputy Churchwarden Margaret made a presentation to her of a gift from the congregation with all our best wishes.

The following Thursday evening, the Feast of Corpus Christi, was marked with a Team Eucharist service in St. Paul’s when over 115 people from all parts of the Cartmel Peninsula Team joined in Andrew’s very last Eucharist service. We were joined by our Interim Team Rector, the Revd. Dr. James Bruce, who presented Andrew with a cheque representing gifts from members of all churches. Jim made reference to Andrew’s devotion, sincerity and energy during a curacy in which he had experienced many different emotions and circumstances which had tested his faith. All present were delighted to share the occasion with him.

In his responses on both occasions, Andrew made reference to the support that he had received from many friends in Grange and the peninsula, all of whom are sad to see him leave but who wish him well in the next part of his journey in the church and in Christ. We all feel privileged to have met him and to have shared his Christianity with him. Happily, he is not going too far away and he has already committed to come back across the bay to take o weddings that he has arranged in the remainder of the year.

Again, we say “Thank You” to a wonderful man for everything that he has done for us here in our two churches and we all wish him every success – and a smoother ride – in the future. We shall miss him – and his parents and family.