Christmas Tree Festival 2022

Thursday, 1st February, was the opening night for St Paul’s annual Christmas Tree Festival.  30 trees sparkled with their lights, and the church was filled.  Margaret Ratcliffe (organiser) and Brian McCann (Churchwarden) gave a warm welcome to everyone, and the choir from Grange Primary School led the singing, followed by the Bay Community Choir with their selection of festive songs.  Each of the trees had been beautifully decorated by different organisations from the community, and depicted the theme of ‘Peace around the World’ interpreted in many different ways.

Of particular and poignant significance was the tree decorated for Ukraine by Ukrainian families living locally.  At the end of the evening the Revd Annette Miller thanked the organisers – Margaret, Gill and Christine – for all their hard work, and the young people and the Community Choir for their contributions, and invited all to partake of the winter punch, mince pies and shortbread.

The Festival is open each day from 10 am to 4 pm, apart from Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and coffee and mince pies are on offer.  All donations from the event are being shared between British Red Cross for Pakistan and Ukraine and the Barrow foodbank.

The following Saturday, we were delighted to welcome members of the Salvation Army Band from Barrow who played in front of the church.

And a nice comment received via the web site

Subject: Christmas Tree Festival
Visited today and it is literally awesome and wonderful. There were strong messages and inspiration. To see so many marvellous community activities reflected in the church displays was superb. A warm welcome and an uplifting experience.
Valued and appreciated. Thanks to all.
Keep the Spirit,